It’s here again!!. That season I love so much. Do you know the season?,( drum roll please) Christmas!!!. I love Christmas, it’s literally my best time of the year, there’s nothing I forget to do on Christmas, and sharing Christmas quotes is definitely one them.
Christmas is by far my best holiday season. I can’t stress enough how important it is to me. I’d almost visit every shopping store around me during Christmas season.
You start to feel that Christmas love right from the mber period (I mean September and so on, lol). I haven’t even started how Christmas Carol gives me goosebumps, but I won’t talk about Christmas Carols because if I were to start (be warned because I will never finish).
It’s very fascinating to see all our family members come together to celebrate the best season of the year. Some of us go on holiday, well, I don’t like going on holidays, I like being at home and having my family in one place.
Well, whether you go on a trip or not, it all depends on preference. One thing I really love about Christmas season is that anywhere you travel to in the world, you’ll surely feel Christmas there.
Why do I share Christmas quotes or any quotes at all?. Quotes are really good for expressing one’s feelings. The fascinating fact about sharing quotes is that it changes your mood, gives you a reason to move on. While some like inspirational quotes others like well-wishing quotes, but subjectively I like all quotes. Well-wishing quotes are Ideal for holiday seasons, Christmas season to be precise.
Everyone will be eager to get seasonal quotes to wish their loved ones well. Well, if that’s the reason you’re here let’s hop in and check my best Christmas quotes this season
Remember quotes are for sharing. Try sharing some lovely quote and you’d be highly appreciated.
Ruth Carter Stapleton

“Christmas is most truly Christmas when we celebrate it by giving the light of love to those who need it most.” – -Ruth Carter Stapleton
Edwin Osgood Grover

“Santa Claus is anyone who loves another and seeks to make them happy; who gives himself by thought or word or deed in every gift that he bestows.”
Benjamin Franklin

” A good conscience is a consistent Christmas “
Pope Francis

God never gives someone a gift they aren’t capable of receiving. If he gives us the gift of Christmas, it is because we all have the ability to understand and receive it.
Mother Theresa

“It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.”
Andy Rooney

One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas Day. Don’t clean it up too quickly. -Andy Rooney

“Christmas isn’t a season. It’s a feeling”.
Ann Garnett Schultz

“Let us keep Christmas beautiful without a thought of greed”.
Brigham young

Love the giver more than the gift.
Bob Hope

“If you haven’t got any charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble”.
Ensure to share the quotes you’ve just, and fill other’s hearts.