10 best Iced coffee Recipes

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Are you looking for coffee recipes? or are you looking for easy and delicious coffee to make at home for breakfast or any time? well, you’re in the right place. Most people love iced coffee while others prefer it hot. In this post, we’re going to list 10 of my best-iced coffee recipes.

I don’t just drink any type of coffee, I always lookout for the ones that are most beneficial to my health, although this is just my opinion, most coffee recipes are beneficial to our health, so if you’re here specifically for a healthy and delicious coffee then you’re in the right place. So without wasting time, let’s go to the recipes


Iced pumpkin

Iced pumpkin is delicious and very healthy, if you love pumpkin then you’d just love this recipe. It’s also a good recipe for breakfast.


Iced pumpkin can be made with

  1. Pumpkin puree
  2. Espresso
  3. Milk
  4. Vanilla extract
  5. Maple syrup
  6. Sea salt
  7. Pumpkin pie spice

Preparation time: 5 minutes. Find preparation steps here



Cold-brew is another sweet coffee to make. The coffee is made iced and it’s also very healthy. Well, get ready if you’re going to make this delicious homemade cold brew.


Cold brew can be made with

  1. coarsely ground coffee
  2. Cold water

Preparation time: 5 minutes. Find preparation steps here


Thai iced coffee

Thai ice coffee is a creamy and sweet coffee that originated in Thailand (as the name implies). This coffee recipe is sweet and very healthy.


Thai iced coffee can be made with

  1. Cream
  2. Double brewed coffee
  3. Ground cinnamon
  4. Granulated sugar
  5. Ice
  6. Almond extract

Preparation time: 5 minutes. Find preparation steps here


Chocolate iced coffee

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I love any recipe that’s made with chocolate. Chocolate iced coffee is sweet, healthy and it’s an ideal coffee for the summer.


Chocolate iced coffee can be made with

  1. Cold-brew
  2. Chocolate sauce
  3. Ice
  4. Creamer
  5. Choose chips
  6. Whipped topping
  7. Homemade chocolate simple syrup

Preparation time. 10 minutes. Find preparation steps here


Iced mocha

Ice mocha is creamy and delicious, it’s the perfect healthy morning coffee.


Iced mocha can be made with

  1. Granulated sugar
  2. Unsweetened cocoa powder
  3. Vanilla extract
  4. Salt
  5. Cold water
  6. Strongly brewed coffee
  7. Whipped cream
  8. Mocha syrup

Preparation time:5 minutes. Find preparation steps here


Iced cappuccino

The cold and chilly interpretation of hot cappuccino. Iced cappuccino is one of the most healthy iced coffee around, it’s also good for summer.


Iced cappuccino can be made with

  1. Cocoa
  2. Granulated sugar
  3. Water
  4. Coffee granules
  5. Vanilla extract
  6. Milk
  7. Ground cinnamon
  8. Vanilla ice cream
  9. Almond extract

Preparation time: 5 minutes. Find preparation steps here


Iced vanilla

This coffee is easy and delicious, this recipe is a must-try for summer, it’s refreshing for the hot summer weather.


Iced vanilla latte can be made with

  1. Vanilla syrup
  2. Milk
  3. Ice
  4. Strong brewed coffee

Preparation time: 10 minutes. Find preparation steps here


Iced Americano

One of the most popular coffee recipes, it’s my best summer coffee recipe, this coffee is healthy and sweet.


Iced Americano can be made with

  1. Water
  2. Coffee powder
  3. Sugar
  4. Ice cubes

Preparation time: 5 minutes. Find preparation steps here


Oatmilk latte

This iced oat milk latte is creamy, sweet and healthy, if you love oat milk recipes, you’d love this iced oat milk latte.


Icec oatmilk latte can be made with

  1. Oat milk
  2. Ground coffee
  3. Water
  4. Marple syrup

Preparation time: 5 minutes. Find preparation steps here.


Caramel iced latte

This coffee recipe pretty much sums up my list, it is healthy, delicious and easy to make. It’s also chilly for the hot summer.


Caramel iced latte can be made with

  • Instant coffee
  • Milk
  • Caramel
  • Whipped topping
  • Ice

Preparation time: 5 minutes. Find preparation steps here.

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